Guide to finding value in your waste

Guide to finding value in your waste

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The way we think about and treat our waste has changed dramatically in recent years.

Since 2018, the number of facilities management professionals who see managing waste and recycling as a challenge has more than doubled from 24% to 53%, according to our annual survey conducted in partnership with FMJ*.

While recycling some materials, such as glass, paper and cardboard have become the norm, there are still many items whose recycling potential is largely untapped.

Likewise, whilst some facilities managers are now aware of the opportunities with rebates on recycling and reprocessing streams, it is still not widely known amongst most. Our survey revealed that over the last four years, knowledge and understanding of earning rebates has increased by 10%, although this is still only 14% of all FM’s surveyed.

In this guide, we outline how you can identify those hidden gems and spotlight the waste streams that are often thought of as too difficult or costly to recycle or reuse.

Join us and find out how to find value in your waste!